I whipped this Topsy Turvy Cinderella up for her using this pattern from Jean Greenhowe. And when I say "whipped" what I mean is "I spent a bazillion grueling hours knitting my fingers into carpal-tunnelous crab legs."
Usually, when you spend a lot of time and consideration in making something for a child, they dislike it and do not want to play/wear/eat it. For instance, for Christmas, I... you know what? Never mind about the for instances. But, I am happy to announce that this is a happy exception to that sucky rule. Young Miss loves Cinderella, and drags her along by the hand everywhere she goes. Or rather, I modify, she loves half of Cinderella. The post-fairy-godmother half. I often flip over the skirt to remind her that there is so much more of Cinderella to love (not to mention I'm ten times prouder of the shabby, scullery look) but no! Young Miss has no patience for the unrefined. If it ain't fancy, it ain't flying. So, swoosh goes the skirt, back to the prince-nabbing, glass-slippered side of Cinderella, and off the two princess march to discuss tu-tus and chapstick and the color pink. And you know? I take what I can get.