Saturday, May 8, 2010

Goldie and Co.

Here is a sneak peek of my first fabric collection for Andover Fabrics, printing in Fall, 2010! (All images are copyrighted by Andover Fabrics).

Once upon a time there was a curly-haired kid who one day disregarded everything her mother had ever told her about stranger danger, and walked right into a cottage in the woods. (She also disregarded everything her mother had ever told her about breaking and entering).

She made herself quite at home, helping herself to some porridge she found on the table (I could launch into a lengthy aside about the manners of this child). She then damaged some property, and worn out from the afternoon's activities, fell asleep in a bed upstairs.

But the joke was on her, because the house was inhabited by a family of bears, who came upon her snoozing in their cub's trundle. There are varying accounts of what happened next, but what I heard is that she scrambled out the window, and ran home as fast as her lil' legs could carry her, and never disregarded her mama's advice ever again. As for the bears, they were left shaking their heads, and thereafter began locking their front door, which is a good practice, no matter how safe you think your neighborhood is.


  1. Well, but let's not blame the child. Too much blame gets tossed on the children, when really I think that her parents deserve the scrutiny. Have you SEEN the child's hair? What kind of mother lets her daughter out of the house with such an obvious lack of product? And is this child left to her own to entertain herself all afternoon? Doesn't she have any extracurricular activities to keep her occupied? If not, then really, if you think about it, we have no choice but to condemn her school.

    That's my best attempt at a tribute, Bob.

  2. This is very, very, very cool, so not what me and Mark were speculating, but definitely screams Eirene. Love you to pieces, once you get lots of money for this, please come here and have some cream tea with us!

  3. Rene, I love your designs. This one especially is AMAZING! I'm excited to see what else you have in store!

    Love you,

    Katie M

  4. I found it! Love all of the designs, can't wait until I can buy some for myself.

  5. that is going to make a killer quilt. incredible. martha, mom and i gathered 'round the screen to review the product and we are pleased to say the least. good work.

  6. Can I get digital scrapbook paper that looks like this? It's so cute. I want to make a page about my children and I reading this book together, or of us eating oatmeal in the morning, or of us sitting in three different-sized chairs, or of my boys sleeping peacefully in their beds with a teddy bear. Wouldn't that be adorable? You're talented. Too bad I don't quilt.

  7. Eirene,

    Yippee! So darling Eirene, how did the fabric release go out in Minne? Congrats congrats! ~Em

  8. Your fabric is stinkin' cute Eirene! I love it! I'm not surprised at all that you came up with such a great creation!
