So, here's my point. I've stolen an idea. But, I deserve complete pardon, because, a. I will cite my source, and b. the party of the first part is also the party of the second part. In other words, I stole an idea from myself.
Using Goldie and Co. as inspiration, I created these portraits of my kids. See? Nothing criminal. Just a tribute, really.
Yoink! On-sale stretched canvas squares, a little paint, a little fabric, a little embroidery floss stitchery (pictures don't really showcase the 3-D element so much, but there's a nice sensorial appeal).
And actually, this is a double-whammie-self-theft, because, those kids' faces are borrowed from originals that I also created (with some help), (minus Welby, the one with horns). Here's the inspiration:
Ah... I forgive myself.
And I will forgive you too, if you happen to steal this idea.